My First Field Trip

I had my very first field trip today as a Mommy.  (It was Lucy’s first field trip too!)  I got out of work a half hour early, headed home, pick up Lu and off to school.  I sat with the other mommies while our children gathered with their teacher and went through the Alphabet bag (a bag sent home with one child to bring back full of things that begin with the letter of the day).  Then it was off to the Discovery Center.  I think I was the only mommy that had five car seats already in the van 🙂  But I only took three kids and one teacher with me. 

It was a fun day.  We’ve been to the Discovery Center before…but I had fun watching Lucy interact with all of her classmates.  She is definitely a take charge gal with them.  (I would prefer to call her that than “bossy”.  HA!)  Her teacher was telling me that there are a lot of girls in her class and they she was surprised at how well they all get along.  And she was playing with lots of different kids.  I was wondering at what age kids start to become “clicky” (I know I spelled it wrong.)  I was glad that it isn’t yet.  A fun, fun day.

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